Friday, January 3, 2014

Au Revoir et Bonne Annee 2014

This is going to be a very short entry on my blog. It is 7 a.m. and I'm sitting with my cup of coffee with Phoebe beside me trying to explain to her that I'll be back soon and that there will be someone around to take her for walks and give her cuddles. Yesterday we took down all the Christmas decorations and it was then that I started to really think that I am actually leaving today. I still can't imagine it but in two hours I will be leaving my lovely La Ferme des Vallots and going off to Paris with Andrew to catch my plane, going via Sri Lanka this time. I have still some more last minute packing to do, papers to print and I'm sure other things to do such as plant the rose that I bought! It has been very stormy and wet but there seems to be a lull today before another storm sweeps in tomorrow. I have so loved being at home especially when all the family are here and it is a full house. However,Patrick returns to university tomorrow and Andrew is off on his travels next week. So a new chapter or part 2 of Fiona in Borneo starts and this time it will be in a different place with different adventures and experiences. Thank you all for your support and encouragement about continuing.... Happy 2014 to you all.

Cracker jokes!
Games with the Tickners
Preparation for the wedding

silly hats!


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