Saturday, December 21, 2013

Fiona in Borneo will continue......!!

Lots of Father Christmases going for a bike ride
Many apologies to all of you who have looked at my blog and noticed that I have done nothing for ages! I'm sure that there are very few of you reading it now but just in case there are still a few people left out there who are interested, I will endeavour to give a quick update. I can hardly believe that we are so near to Christmas and tomorrow night there will be everyone at home except  Naomi and her partner Neil, who are spending Christmas in New York with Andrew's sister. Since I last wrote I have been enjoying gardening, sewing, cooking and generally just getting ready for all the family being at home and not being under too much pressure as I haven't been working. Patrick arrived back last Thursday, just in time to accompany me to Lille to stay with Remi and Lisa. Phoebe, the dog hadn't a dog-sitter and I couldn't face putting her in kennels so she came to Lille too! She is 15 years old and has never been further than Livarot before so a 5 hour drive to a big city was quite an adventure for her.

Phoebe, Lisa and Patrick in Lille!
We took her to the famous Marche de Noel; a restaurant; street theatre; museums; parks and she took everything in her stride. Phoebe loved all the smells of the other dogs around the street and the bins and all the other things on offer in cities and I even had to carry those pooh bags. Anyway the highlight of the weekend was listening to Lisa singing a solo and then a song with her choir and I know that I am biased but I think she was fantastic !
   Anyway the big news that you may have guessed from the title is.that I will be returning to Borneo in January 2014. After much delay and anticipation of will they, won't they, the Malaysian Government have decided that they are going to continue the English Language Teaching Project for another 20 months. The official contract will be signed next week and we are expected to be in our post on the 6 th January! After much thought, discussion and looking at alternatives and not finding them, I have decided that going back to do a job I know and enjoy as a mentor, is the best solution short-term.. At the moment all I know is that I fly back to Sabah arriving on the 5th January and unless something happens to change the plans, I will be based in Kota Belud, which is a coastal town,  half way between Kota Kinabalu and Kudat. It will be very different and much hotter than Ranau and the majority of the local people are Bajau, also known as the Sea Dyaks, and that is about all I know for now.

   I have very mixed feelings about leaving home again because I really love being here at our lovely La Ferme des Vallots, however the family are only here for Christmas and special occasions now and Andrew is still travelling all over the world for his work and we really need two salaries coming in to make ends meet. I will of course be back for the wedding in July and will try and get back before as well. This evening as I write this  and look round at the tree and Christmas decorations, I can hardly believe that I will be off in 2 weeks time so the best policy is not to think about it and just enjoy the Christmas festivities as I hope you all do too. Here's to a very merry Christmas to you all!!

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