Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Graduation Ceremony

The first mistake was not writing down a speech. I thought that I could just wing it and say a few words about hard work and professionalism in the classroom and thank everyone and sit down again. However, there are times when emotion just creeps up behind when you aren't expecting it and turns you into a blubbering heap! Everyone was there, including the head of the academic department and a few Guru Besars, and just to see the faces that I have got to know and love over the last two years was too much for me.
Looks like I said something funny in between the tears!
 Was it really that long since we had first entered that same meeting room to participate in a KSSR workshop and the chairs and microphones had both scared and given me a thrill?! Here we were at the end of the project celebrating the teachers who had had these strange white people from other continents forced upon them by their government. There were no doubt lots of disgruntled words were said about the unfairness of it all behind our backs but over the last two years we have shared the ups and downs of life and become colleagues and close friends. The people of Sabah are a wonderful example of how people of every race and belief can get on with one another and their warmness and friendship will always have a special place in my heart.
Sister Caroline



 Emily and I had gathered up some of our photos of the last 2 years and put together a slideshow to the music of Green Day "Time of your Life" and I think if we had gone for an even more soppier one like "You Raise me up" I would have been finished. However I managed to pull myself together for the award of the certificates and as always we had to pose for the camera which I still find very difficult. Everyone else has their practised pose and even Emily seems to have one now! I broke the tradition of shaking hands and ended up giving everyone a hug much to the panic of my one male mentee

Asmah, Ruwaida, me and baby

Scared David!

Proper pose of Emelansia
After that it was chocolate cake time which was amazing - not only to look at but to taste as well. I can honestly say that the best cakes that I have ever tasted in my life have been in Sabah - yes better than France and UK. No one had thought to organise plates, serviettes or even a knife but we muddled through in a very unmalay fashion that they have more or less accepted is a part of us. After a few more photos, lots more tears (not only from me) and lots more hugs we all parted from a very emotional , undignified but I feel very memorable graduation ceremony.

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