Sunday, June 2, 2013

Bali after 27 and 3/4 Years

Lisa in Bali

Yes here I am back in Bali not really intending to be here but we just followed the flow and it seemed the most logical thing to do. Andrew and I stayed here over 27 years ago whilst backpacking around South-East Asia and I was worried that it might have changed beyond recognition but so far it  has retained all the charm, tasteful decor and amazing scenery as before. We are staying on the north of the island in a sleepy tourist town called Lovina in a charming hotel with a lovely garden. Today we head off over the mountains to Ubud where our last few days will be spent. In a strange quirck of fate, Bali was when I first suspected that I might be pregnant with Lisa and so we celebrated her 27th  birthday last week where she spent her early days!! These are just a few photos of our wonderful trip but get ready for the deluge next week when we return to Sabah.

A Fruit Salad Birthday Cake with our Polish friends

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