Sunday, February 15, 2015

Farewell Dearest Phoebe

Our beautiful, much loved Breton spaniel, Phoebe, passed away on Wednesday much to our great sadness. She was 15 years old and when I said goodbye in January I thought it might be the last time I would see her but I was just hoping that she would make Tanya and Anthony's wedding and that I would be with her at the end. She has been such a part of our family throughout the years and like most dogs she was completely devoted, adoring and forgiving to us all - always forgiving me and loving me again when I returned. If I remember in my first blog entry, I was more worried about leaving Phoebe than I was of my children! For eleven years she was my shadow and wherever Phoebe was, I was close by. She was happiest when everyone was at home and she would constantly badger us all for a cuddle by offering her paw. At any social occasion Phoebe could be guaranteed to be there joining in the party and she was in her element at Lisa and Remi's wedding last July.
The Wedding 2014
 It certainly was a difficult decision about leaving her but the family and I agreed that I couldn't turn down a fantastic job because of an ageing dog. I'm sure many people might have but I chose not to and just trusted that for however long Phoebe was going to live that she would be well cared for at La Ferme des Vallots. Phoebe had already had breast cancer when she was 10 years old  and had had a major operation removing all her mammary glands and the prognosis was unsure.
The day before she died
During my first contract in Borneo, Andrew did a marvellous job of replacing me and when he had to travel for work Phoebe stayed next door with Paul and his dog, Ruby. When I returned at the end of September 2013 I stayed at home for three months - not sure what I was going to do in the future. After I decided to return to Borneo we advertised for a dog-sitter and an American lady called Bell  came for five months. Somehow after the wedding Andrew and then Patrick looked after her and it wasn't until January we realised that we had to look for dog-sitters again.

Phoebe had definitely aged in the last few months when I saw her at Christmas; her back legs were unsteady; she drank water constantly; her cancerous tumour had returned. However, the vet felt that she still was in good form for her age and wasn't in any pain and still had an interest in life and loved her walks. Julie and Paul became her final carers for a month and I am so grateful to them for obviously loving and looking after her so well. When she had a "turn"on Wednesday and couldn't walk and was in pain, they took her to the vet, the vet emailed us recommending she was put down and they stayed with her until the end- passing on my messages of love.

P.S. Dear Julie and Paul, I have never met you but I will always remember your kindness that you showed to Phoebe.

P.P.S. Dear beautiful, crazy Phoebe, thank you for all the love you have given us - we will miss you so much. xxxxxx

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