Sunday, September 29, 2013

Farewell and Terima Kasih Banyak Ranau

Ranau Town
    Over the last two years the people of Ranau and their shops and market stalls have become very dear to me. My Malay and Dusun is pitiful but we muddle along together in Manglish and have somehow have become friends. They have always shown nothing but friendliness, courtesy and lots of patience when they haven't a clue what I'm trying to say to them. The covered market is on every day and sells to the people of Ranau as well as wholesale to other rural areas. The Saturday morning market is when the local people come and sell their produce and is a social outing  as well as a way of earning some cash. I love the Saturday market and if I am in Ranau I will never miss it and then I treat myself to a roti cannai and a mango juice in my favourite local restaurant, Siri Hasanah , which has become like my "local".
  I have always felt very safe and comfortable amongst the Dusun  people which when you are on your own is so important. Over the last week I have been overwhelmed by their warmth, generosity, gratitude and love towards me which seems quite odd coming from a European culture.. I have had to make several short speeches in the last week and I have told them all that it is me that should be expressing and thanking them for showing me that there are people in this world who can get along without religious or racial hatred and show genuine kindness and love for their fellowmen. It has been so sad to say goodbye and I'm sorry if I didn't manage to see everyone before I went. Even on the last morning in between cleaning and packing I attended a parents''workshop and had a wonderful send off from Ranau with children and parents waving farewell from the car park. I am feeling emotionally drained and would just like to say to the people of Ranau that you will always hold a very special place in my heart and I hope that one day we will meet again. Saya tidak akan lupa orang Ranau selamanya. Saya sayang kamu semua.

The covered market

The sewing shop

The ladies selling beetle nut

The owner and son of my local

A waiter

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