Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Legend of Huminodun

The Bobohizans
       A long, long time ago  there was only Konoigan and Sumundu and together they made the universe and all that was is in it. Everything was beautiful and perfect until their son Ponumpulan rebelled against his parents and corrupted the hearts and minds of the people. His parents were so upset they banished him from the heavens and sent him to Koningud. Then to punish mankind for their evil ways they sent seven plagues to earth. The last plague was a very severe drought and famine threatened to destroy every living thing.

The sacrificing of Hunodunumi
A  dance/ drama performed by secondary school  students

 The people turned  back to Kinoingan, to ask for forgiveness. Their only daughter begged her father to show his mercy and forgive the people of the world. In order for the universe to become at peace he would have to sacrifice his daughter as a symbol of the greatest love of all. His beautiful pure and lovely daughter known as Huminodun agreed and she was sacrificed so that the people could have food. Parts of her body were planted and became rice and the most sacred rice of all is the red rice because it is from the flesh of Huminodun.
  Huminodun is the soul of the padi and is the seven-in-one spirit known as Bambaazon (rice spirit) When the harvest is over it is up to the Bobohizans (spiritual experts) to perform all the rituals to gather up the rice spirit who has been dispersed during the year. It is of the utmost importance that they are all brought home, rescued and healed ready for the next harvest. When peace and harmony are restored then it is the time to give thanks and  the people can dance and sing to celebrate the harvest.

In remembrance of the pure and beautiful  Huminodun and Kinoingan's sacrifice of his only daughter,
 there is a Harvest Beauty Queen - Unduk Ngadau- which literally means the zenith of the sun.
The Beauty Contest Ranau

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